Time does not heal | CD | Dark Angel
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Artikelnummer | 436514 |
Musikgenre | Thrash Metal |
Exklusiv | Nej |
Media-format | CD |
Utgåva | Återutgåva |
Produktämne | Band |
Band | Dark Angel |
Produkttyp | CD |
Releasedatum | 04/09/2009 |
Kön | Unisex |
CD 1
1.Time does not heal
2.Pain's invention, madness
3.Act of contrition
4.The new priesthood
6.An ancient inherited shame
7.Trauma and catharsis
8.Sensory deprivation
9.A subtle induction
10.The promise of agony (Live)
11.I don't care about you (Live)